Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Late Post D:

Hey Jamsters, sorry about the late post about the rare item. I'm so forgetfull >N< Derp, anyways the Rare Item was supposed to be:

Rare Baseball Cleats! I love the dark colors, though I wouldn't buy it.... No offense. I think it's sorta human-like. Well that's the late post I did!

                                                                         BONUS FEATURE!
Wow, I haven't done a BONUS FEATURE for a long time. Today's Bonus Feature is best story! The contestants must fill out this sheet:

AJ name:
Title of story:

I shall pick the winners of who does the best story. Good look Jamsters and have the most randtastic day!



  1. Okay I am pupp1266 (obviously) and here's my story!
    The Ice Breakers
    Once in Mount Shiveer there was a group of seals that were determind to break the ice and meet an alpha. "It's impossible you immature little seals!" an arctic wolf yelled. The seals wouldn't be stopped by one inconsiderate animal. "Jump seals jump!" One of the seals encouraged them.
    -30 minutes later-
    The ice cracked down the middle slowly.. and the seals squeeled, "It's working!" Then the ice broke open and all the seals suddenly went plunging into the water. "Hello, brave ones" Liza the alpha said. The seals mouths dropped open. Liza gave them all a rare and congratulated them. They sure prooved that arctic wolf right!

    1. Thank you for joining the contest! I really love the the moral of your story o3o HAHA IN YO FACE ARTIC WOLF.... (Crazy mode)

      -rides on pony machine-
