Sunday, December 29, 2013

Snowboard and Retirement + What is dis?

Hello Jamsters! I have now retired from being a member.... ehhh... It's more like I got kicked out from being a member and AJ is forcing me to renew my membership. Yet, it's good to be one with the other non-members :)

Awww... It's ok! That feather hat looks great on you :3

No, Greenie, you don't. This is a chicken:

Oh.... what is this? I just found out it won't allow me to see comments -.-

Besides all the non-member dilema, I'd like to talk about the newest HUMAN item:

NO animal would be seen riding around on a snow board! -3-

(I would change the signature but I have no time to)

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Hello Jamsters! So, today was so busy for me and it's a surprise that I have enough time to post! This morning I started off by waking up at 11:05 PM. I promised myself that I would wake up at 10:00 but apparently I was wrong. Then I spent the rest of my day doing Winter Break Homework.


  That's how I feel, thank blob it's break time!

Besides my busy day, I'd like to show you our new item! Honestly, I have no idea why AJ would sell this.

What did AJ do in order to make deer fur? Did they kill deer? Why would they do that!? When I first saw this THING, I thought it was a tail.

I'm all leik: WHAATTTT


(My bro bro is playing on the video games and he's like: You're mean, I'm going to kill you.)

Monday, December 23, 2013


Ok, I admit: I'm a lazy person. Aren't we all lazy? Who cares right? I was too lazy to spit my saliva. This post has nothing to do with AJ, I just felt like talking about laziness...

One example of laziness is this:

 AJ is too "lazy" to think of better rare clothing! I appreciate them allowing us to have a Rare Monday, but what is this!? It looks ExACtLY like the actual robin hood hat. ARRUGH!

Anyways, today's daily gift is the bow and arrow. (I just remembered today is Monday. I thought it was Tuesday T-T)

 It looks so buttifiul....


Friday, December 20, 2013

My Favorite Item and Other Stuff....

I apologize for the word "stuff", I don't really like to use that vocabulary word, but I can't think of anything else. My brain is fried from doing too much homework... My school gave me a THICK packet to do in 2 weeks. That's child abuse :'(

 The monster took my homework.

Ok, moving on! The reason why I LOVE Jamaalidays is because they sell my most favorite item: deer poop.

  I searched up animal jam deer poop (images) and a bunch of real-life deer poop showed up. That damaged my brain =.=


Also, have you checked out the new items? I'm not particularly excited about the candy stocking. Who would want spilled candy in a dirty sock?

Last but not least, check out this amazing new den!

It's Cosmo's den! I'd buy that with my diamonds, but I'm broke :C



Monday, December 16, 2013

New Items and Surprise

Heyooo! Ok, so this is a rare thing for me to post during the weekdays so this won't be a routine you better enjoy this once in a life time thing. First up, today's daily Christmas item is:

 I really like it :D My tree has a bow on it as an angel because we couldn't find the top :I

Next is rare Christmas wings! I don't really like the idea of the Rare Mondays. What's the point of rares when you're getting them every single Monday?


Time for the surprise: