Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Who wants to buy these?

I found out about this clothing AJ just sold and it's called Leprechaun Shoes. It does look a bit cute, but I don't think I'd buy it.... I'm sure it would look good on animals in AJ, but not in real life. I hope AJ will start selling human items.

(Reminder: My computer is laggy which means I can't get onto animal jam! All credit of the pictures go to snowyclaw! Hopefully my computer will feel better.)

Our second clothing is:

The white coat looks exactly like the one I have now. I'm not surprise the next animal would be a human... Although the design looks very realistic and I'm sure the coats will keep ya'all warm n' cozy!

Take it away, Porky!

Have the most randtastic day :)


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Eagles+My Thoughts

I'm proud to say that there is now eagles available! I personally think it's very epic :D  Eagles are my favorite bird and I'm excited about it. Although, once again, it's only for members...

Here's how they look like:

It's great, but I thought it would look more like this:

This would have been much more better than the other version C:


Not to complain or anything, but I think non-members don't have much freedom as members. Now that I'm one, I see how nm's feel like. We feel left out and that the members get all the glory. Well, that's why AJHQ passes out membership cards. Members just gets a little boost on their gaming.

Non-members get rights, too, but not enough. But don't worry, nm's! I did a post a looonng time ago when I talked to a beta-tester. He/she said that horses will be for everyone, but don't get your hopes high. Just keep holdin' tight. Have the most randtastic day!

Want to see the post in which I talked to the beta-tester?
Here's the link: http://theanimaljamrandomnessblog.blogspot.com/2012/11/important-news.html

**GreenLeafs** <--signature is saved on a different computer :(

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


The impossible has been accomplished... I made a music video! I have been trying to post one for soooo many years and now I have! It's epic, right!? Unfortunately, the song only went half way.... This is my first music video so no hatin' ok?


**GreenLeafs** <-- my signature is saved on a different computer :C

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Just another weekend....

Hello there, ahem, Jamsters. I apologize for the inconvenience, but GreenLeafs can not be posting for today. I am Nightingale, the blog's second mascot. She has asked me to post instead, for my grammar is much more efficient than Rainbow's. nU ish not, mine is buttiful!!! ~RainBowz 

Hopefully GreenLeafs will be back as soon as possible...

Our first concept is a new necklace.

I think it is rather beautiful. I've always wanted to have one of those, yet it doesn't look right on me.... dark colors would look better on me.

This is an underwater necklace, it looks like it could be a tiara.

Although the boutique looks beautiful, I thought there should be something different rather then just roses.

There is much more things to post about, yet so little time! I hope you enjoyed.


Monday, February 10, 2014

NeW tHingS :P

Well, hello there Jamsters! It's the week of love and friendship! To start things off, I'd like to show ya'll a new item for Valentine's Day:
I suppose it's ALRIGHT.... meh....
 <--- (all rights reserved to Snowyclaw)
If I where still a member, I'd get those antennae heart headband.... *sigh*
These are just a few items I missed out during the time I wasn't posting. :)
Sorry dat I can't post as much, plz don't hate meh :'(
(nu hatin'!)
Have the most randtastic Valentine's Day!