Monday, July 22, 2013

Dark Ages of Animal Jam...

Animal Jam is going through a bad stage right now... a stage of all the players growing up and quitting. On many blogs, these are the common titles:
See? These titles were all within a month ago. So many people are quitting it's sad... are you planning on quitting soon? I might have to due to school and stuff :( In the end of August my school starts up.. and I'm going to have LOTS of work being in two honors classes.

Anyways, ice cream on purple pants...



  1. NYYYUUUUUU! I'm real sad that you might leave :( But I know how you feel. School should always go first and I respect that. Have the most randtastic day!


  2. I feel horrible when bloggers leave. Kinyonga almost quit and that got a lot of shocks... hopefully you won't quit soon.
