Thursday, August 29, 2013

New News

 Heya Jamsters, AJ has a new newspaper! First of all, there is a new outfit called wind armor. So far we have fire and wind. I wonder if they will make an earth or water armor!

Unfortunately, it's not out yet. But when it does, it'll be in the Diamond Shop!
Oh and don't forgot to try out the new adventure! Also, be sure to visit the carnival before it closes!
Until then, have the most randtastic day!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Crazy Crystals and Rare Item Monday!

 Hiya Jamsters! Guess what? I'm finally on time to post about the rare item for today! Today's rare item is.... *drum rolls* .... nerd glasses? Seriously Animal Jam? Really? -.-

You know what? I'm on strike! You wanna know why? Because animals aren't meant to wear GLASSES! They don't wear human cloths, it's not natural. The glasses is cute and all, but it's just not meant for animals.

Moving on.... What's with all the crystals? Take a look:

It's a full section of crystal statues! So much crystals o.o 

What are your thoughts about animals wearing human clothes and do you like the new crystal statues? Until then, have the most randtastic day!


Friday, August 23, 2013

Updates!!! =D

HIYA JAMSTERS! Phew, I have survived my first days of school, thank goodness! Anyways, I have some news!!! There is a new adventure game! It has to do with the koalas gone missing and the shamans need YOUR help.

Cosmo looks like he has eye shadow.... o.o

Next on the list... Clothing! There is a new hat that you can buy at Jamaa Township's clothing store (Sorreh I forgot the name of the store.....)

It is a lion hat and I can't wait to buy it! 

It looks like the cross between a hedge hog, monkey, and a hippo. Don't you agree?

Well, have the most randtastic daaaayy!!! 


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Forgetting Habit

 Once again, I am forgetting to post about the rare items. I think I'm late for posting the Monday rares is because I'm always busy on Mondays. Hehe... Here was yesterday's rare item:

RareItemMonday RareBonnet

A rare bonnet! I think it looks great on a lot of animals, especially bunnehs. Sadly, I had no clue they where in stores when a random Jamster traded me for a blue fox hat. Oh well! Have the most randtastic day =3



 Did YOU know that there's a heavy metal band in Finland meant for children? 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

What's Up With High Heels?

 Here are my thoughts of the high heels:

It is completely horrible! Animals can't balance on these shoes, yet alone they don't even wear shoes! They are pretty and all, but it's not right for animals wearing human clothes. What are your thoughts?

 Honestly, I do not know what's with human clothes and animals wearing them... -.-

 Have the most randtastic day Jamsters :3


Thursday, August 15, 2013




Have the most randtastic birthday :)


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Yesterday's Rare Item...

 Hey, ya'all.... I'm always late for posting Monday Rare Items, aaaurrghhh :C erm, anyways. Yesterday's rare item was hair. Yesh, hair:

                                                              Rare Cool HairNo offense but, who would buy green hair. It looks like diarrhea color...... o3o



Saturday, August 10, 2013

Upcoming News

Hiya Jamsters. Ok, I have real bad news to tell you. School starts for me in about two weeks (I think). I won't be able to post as much because my school gives at least 3 hours of work and I will have to sleep once i'm done with the work. Pupp, may quit so I just might need another author :)

 If your willing to become an author, please notify me.


Thursday, August 8, 2013


Hey Jamsters, there is a new news paper for the Jamaa Journal! First off is the Outback Imports! You can now buy clothing in the new store in the Outback (Kimbera). You can find this article in the first page.

I'm gonna visit the store once i'm done with this post ;D

Second on the list. I'm guessing the next game on the adventure thing will have to do with koalas. Take a look:
What do you think? Ahem, anyways. You can find this on page 4. Well that's all Jamsters! Have the most randtastic day!


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Wood and Vases

 I have no idea whats up with AJHQ, but there is a whole section of wood furniture!!!! They are killing a lot of trees in Jamaa >:I Take a look:

Also there is a whole bunch of vases too! They look nice, but there is just too many! AAAUHH I'M GOING CRAY CRAY!

I kinda do and don't like it. Pro: OLD FURNITURE IS COMING BACK! Cons: TOO MUCH ARE COMING BACK!

Have the most randtastic day :P


Sunday, August 4, 2013

I'm Back :3

Hello Jamsters! I'm back from my amazing camping trip and it's time for me to update the things I have missed. First off, there is a new clothing! It is a tie-dye t-shirt. I actually luv the colors, but it still has to deal with human clothes.
  I do and don't like the t-shirt and becdause of my pros and cons, I'm mixing myself up...  -.- RAUHHHRRR (Crazy moood!)

Second, you can now buy this plushie thingy. I seriously don't know what it is.... I'm guessing it's a fox??? Sorry, it looks sorta weird.


Well that's all for today Jamsters. Have the most randtastic summer :3
