Monday, April 29, 2013

Going Green?

Hey guys, so I just recently added a new backround and it's green. For some reason, I took a liking in fresh and green looks. I was wondering if you liked the new backround? I want to know what your opinioins are. Don't worry if your opinion is a little harsh, I need to know what you think.


Fox hat?!

Well today is finally here... when the new FOX HATS are the item for the rare monday! I can't believe it!!! I've been waiting for this day ^U^  Get your fox hats before it's 12:00 AM, for it will be gone by them T__T Well that's all! Have the most randtastic day today!


Friday, April 26, 2013

Jam Session!!

I am in the Jam Session party right now and it's ToTaLlY crazy!! There's music, rainbows, instruments, and everything!!! Here's a pic:

If you get enough Jammers to dance, the stage will go on fire and turn into a rainbow, no kidding! You can click on the instruments and they play. Well that's all. ROCK ON!!!


Thank You So Much :)

Hey guys, this is really off topic and nothing much to do with animal jam but.... I want to say that i'm very thankful that you read my blog. I mean.... Look how much views I got. I'm happy that I made this blog and I wanted to thank you all for the nice comments! It means a lot when you read my blog.

Have the most randtastic day!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

New party, migrating, and other news

What's up Jammers? So today we have a TON of news so lets get started!

First off, you can now go green and plant your own plants using a garden! Oh and the annual Summer Carnival is coming soon to Jamaa! I can't wait :)

Oh and if your the musical person, you now can jam with some tunes at the Jam Session Party! I am SO going to go there.

 And lastly and sadly.... girrafes, elephants, and rhinos are going to migrate. But don't worry, if you buy your animal now, you will be able to keep it! It feels like AJ is taking all the animals away D: Well that's all! Have the most randtastic day!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Brilliant Items! :D

Hey, hey, hey!! GreenLeafs here, chillin' out. Though I wish it will be more chilly where i'm at... *ahem* anyways, there are THREE brilliant items located at the Jam Mart Furniture. It is 2 earth items and a game item.

Ta-daaaa! Have the most randtastic day!!


Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day!!

Hey Jammers! So, today's Earth Day and because it's Earth Day, i'm writing in green! If you don't know what Earth Day is, it's a special holiday most people celebrate. We celebrate the Earth and sometimes people pick up trash or something like that to help Earth. Earth is VERY important to the human kind and we need to take care of it! Here are some ways to help save the Earth:

  • Don't pollute! Pollution can and kill or hurt animals.
  • Help plant plants... Fun fact: Plants helps us breath, they produce oxygen.
  • Don't throw gum on the floor. It's sorta like polluting :P
  • Pick up trash on the ground, beach, or anywhere!
  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle.

 Do anything to help save planet earth!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Horse Game, Pin Wheel, and S.T.A.R. Testing

Hullo all my Jammer friends, so today's new items are: A pin wheel and a horse shoe set!! The pin wheel spins while your looking at the pic., automatically! Oh and, tomorrow is my last test for S.T.A.R. testing!! So i'll be able to post more often :D
 Have the most randtastic day!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Rare Item Monday: Rare Flower Glasses

Hey ya'all!!!! Today's RIM (Rare Item Monday) is flower glasses! It is located at the jamaa clothing center in jamaa township. Oh, yes, today is Monday..... to make you feel better, here's a heart warming, cute pic.:

Cute ^U^

Friday, April 12, 2013

Update+ More oUo

Hey Jammers! So my computer is literally full of pictures so it's going to take at least 10 minutes to delete....

Anyways, moving on. BIIIIIG news.... AJ has made a photo booth! It's located at Sarpeia and Club Geoz. Sadly it costs 50 gems >8U

Also, since it's spring time... AJHQ is giving out spirit helmets to members!

This pic. was sorta a mess up XD Have the most randtastic day!!


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dating, really?

Topic of the day... dating. Really? It's nice to have a soul mate but animal jam is meant to have friends, learn about science, and play games, oh and don't forget... to have fun! Dating is just another pet peeve for many people in AJ. There are 7, 6 and 5 year olds playing on AJ also and being a witness of people dating isn't so good. I totally NOT support having dates on AJ. If your so boy crazy, go to the real world and be social. Well this is just my opion, not a fact. I suggest that you get a real boyfriend in real life, not online date.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Sea Shells

It's Monday and as you all know, AJ has a special rare item for sale! It's a Rare Sand Dollar Necklace. It looks like a seashell to be honest O-O Ahehe, anyways it's located at your local Jamaa clothing shops! Get it today for it will be gone soon, DUN DUN DUNNNN!!!


Friday, April 5, 2013


HAI EVERYONEZ! Rainbow here, your blogger mascot hehehe. So i'm watchingz a movie with GreenLeafs, its called Narnia. ISH SO SCAREYZ. Anywhoo... imma eat some pizza and share it with GreenLeafs!

(GreenLeafs as a human, eating pizza)


Monday, April 1, 2013

Monthly Member Gift Thingy

Howdy Jammers! It's April 1st and every month you get a gift from AJ, and unfortunately it's only for members. I don't really know what exactly what it is.... I think it's made to burn your back on fire???? Anyways, I have NO idea what it's meant for, WOOHOO!

AAAAH AAAAUUUAHAHHHHH TAKE IT OFFF MERRAAAUH! Oh and the new rare item is a cupcake head.... AAAAUAAAAH -noms on people's heads for cupcake hats-
