Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Kissy, kissy

Hey there my AJamsters, get ready to pucker up your lips because Valentine's Day is coming up in 11 days! AJ is preparing for Valentine's Day with these items:

All, which are sadly for members. The heart headband is personally my favorite!

Ok, Valentine's Day is coming up in 11 days, and my way of showing love to other people is through verbally saying it. Here is my way of showing my wuv in Jamaa Township:

You can clearly see the love in this guy. 

Anywho, I can't wait for Valentine's Day so that I can see all the people asking each other "Will you be my Valentine?". But seriously, most of the people in my class are asking who they'll give presents to and I'm here just like:

I honestly like Valentine's Day because it's my aunt's birthday... 

Have the most randtastic day!


1 comment:

  1. the Shuraydas of Tubna, Cheap Jordan Shoes, who by the 1860s could field 500 armed men (and women) in the al-Kura region further north. Both families had served as local tax collectors for various distant Ottoman governors in Damascus in the 19th century. By and large, shaykhs like the Furayhats and Shuraydas did not always feel the need to amass large personal estates for themselves at this time. Control over economic surplus was what mattered, not titular rights to ownership. Since shqykhs were able to use their position to expropriate tribute payments in the form of grain and animals from their protegees, they saw no need to rely solely upon personal agricultural exploitation for survival. In turn, these settled shaykhs were still sometimes subject to extortions from even more powerful bedouin tribes like the 'Adwan and Bam Sakhr.
