Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My Thoughts On:

Cussing. Is it really necessary to cuss on animal jam where kids can see what your saying? I think it's very hurtful when you cuss, especially when you cuss at someone. I've been in that situation and guess what's it called? Cyber bullying. Cussing at someone is considered bullying! Well... that was just my thoughts? What are yours? Comment below if you have any topics you would like to discuss about :)

 With that said, have the most randtastic day!



  1. I would like to discuss about little kids when they see it.

    I, personally, have a little sister. Sometimes she watches me play transformice. She sees players cuss, then thinks since they do it, she can do it. She actually said 3 bad words. And wouldn't stop! My mother got a note from the principal a few days ago. it said to meet her after school with my sis. it also said she had said 3 bad words to 5 students, including saying they were new words she had learned. Don't cuss. Little kids could get seriously punished for things they hardly even know about. Do YOU want that to happen to little kids?!


    1. That's horrible! Do NOT and I repeat DONUT let your sister watch TFM >:I


  2. It isn't possible. She always runs off crying, then tells Mom about it and Mom makes me let her onto my Wolfquest/Tfm/AJ account ;-;

