So I was at my den with my friend and I was trying to do the tree den glitch but it didn't turn out well.... here's what I said:
Fauna Spiritstar: -drops vole down-
Fauna Spiritstar: im going to my den -coughs-
Mythical Vinestar: places vole in pile
Fauna Spiritstar: -yawns-
Fauna Spiritstar: :sleep:
Fauna Spiritstar: :tired:
Fauna Spiritstar: :sleepy:
Mythical Vinestar: jumps on branch
Fauna Spiritstar: -yawns-
Fauna Spiritstar: =-=
Mythical Vinestar: lays on branch
Mythical Vinestar: :sleep:
Mythical Vinestar: -dreams about old rouge pack-
Fauna Spiritstar: AWW POOP >8U
Fauna Spiritstar: ACK
Fauna Spiritstar: I CAN'T DO THIS GLITCH /).-
Mythical Vinestar: tosses and turns from dream
Fauna Spiritstar: NUUU
Fauna Spiritstar: AHHHH
Mythical Vinestar: jumps up sweating
Fauna Spiritstar: EAAAAAAUUUUH
Mythical Vinestar: jumps down
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Get your items today
Hi everyone! I suggest that you get all the Halloween items as fast as you can because AJ will get rid of them. So get your items today, and fast! By the way, Happy Early Night of the Phantoms!!!! I'm making my own costume. I'm going to be a black cat. Next year I might be a scary looking doll, i'm also going to make it myself. Oh and I would also might be a grandma next year (hehehe). That's all for now! GreenLeafs signing off, and HAPPY EARLY NIGHT OF THE PHANTOMS!!!!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Random pic and rare update
Sunday, October 28, 2012
-says between laughs- SO, SO i went to this random den and a bunch of people where trading. And then the owner of the den started changing her den... A LOT OF TIMES! IT WAS SO FUNNY! As you can see i wanted to do it again, but some other people don't like it. I'm still laughing about it right now! IT'S SO FUNNY!!! Click the pictures to get bigger. The top one is when all the ppl get super mad....
Friday, October 26, 2012
Random post
There a lot of new things around animaljam! If you go to the daily explorer, you can learn more about Liza. If you don't know who Liza is (most of you know already), she is one of the shamans (guide) on AJ. She's not the only shaman, there are a lot more but i have to tell about the updates. Anyways, there are also new loading pictures of the shamans! I like Peck's one the most. Most of you probably know about artics and all of you who doesn't know where the artic wolves are popping up, they're popping up out of gift cards. Yes, you have to buy gift cards at Walmart to get the artic wolves. Oh and, if you have a dolpin... you can play this new game called Splash and Dash! STEP RIGHT UP FOLKS, STEP RIGHT UP TO THIS GREAT GAME CALLED SPLASH AND DASH! -laughs so hard- It's located at Bahari Bay. I really want to play it but i don't want to waste my gems. I'm guessing it's like that horse racing game. Well that's all for now! KEEP JAMMING! GREENLEAFS SIGNING OUT!
Heads up
This is just a heads up, so the website your looking up for this blog is called: theanimaljamrandomnessblog. blogspot. com. Why am i saying this? Because if you type the words wrong, you won't have the same blog. So this is just a heads up!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
All of you people would probably think "Yeah, yeah, yeah bullying is wrong. Can't do it because blah blah blah..." Well have you ever thought what it would feel like on you? Even cyber-bullying can be bad. Even though they're online, the cyber- bully can be REALLY mean. I've been bullied several times and i know how it feels. Cyber-bullies and real bullies is like a threat. They just do it because it makes them feel good hurting someone emotionally or physically. I keep on saying NO bad words and no bullying on this website because i don't want you to be a bully. If someone is getting bullied, talk to someone about it or help that person who is getting bullied! If your the person who is getting bullied, walk away and tell a grown-up. Oh and, thank you Brimad8 for letting me use your idea. She also has a blog, it's called: animaljamepicly. blogspot. com. So, STOP BULLYING.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Changing name... again
I'm changing my blog name again. You must be wondering, "WHAT?!!? AGAIN??? JUST PICK ONE NAME AND STICK WITH IT, CRAZY LADY!!!!" The reason why im changing the name again is because someone has the same name (animaljam weirdness) and i don't want veiwers to be confused. Plus, i don't want to copy the name. I'll be calling it animaljamrandomness. blogspot. com.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Changing name
I changed my blog name to AnimalJamWeirdness. blogspot. com. Why? Because i want to. Do YOU like the new blog name? I know i said this at least ten times or more but it's very important infact, i'll just tell you the whole list of rules about commenting. Here we go!
- Do at least five push ups
- Start eating chocolate... right... now.... infront of your computer... right now...
- say, "I LOVE BACON SO MUCH THAT I CAN DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ten times
- Prentend that someone shot you by a tranqulizer gun and fall asleep. Yes, do it now.
- If you say anything bad or do anything bad to make a jammer cry and break down into tears by commenting, I will delete your comment and then you will have to go to the bathroom and think about your life.
- Go to the bathroom and think about your life.
Yes,fauna wants the mira statue back. Why am i doing this post? Because im board XD
Yeah, i get board easily. Anyways, what do YOU think what caused to have a phantom day? If you think you have a great answer,comment below. Remember, NO bad words ok?
Yeah, i get board easily. Anyways, what do YOU think what caused to have a phantom day? If you think you have a great answer,comment below. Remember, NO bad words ok?
Sunday, October 21, 2012
HULLO EVERYONNNNE! Look at this awesome halo! You can be an angel flying in the sky in heaven looking down at all the jammers this halloween -laughs- BTW i'm going to try hard to post more often. Sometimes i forget i have a blog! How weird is that?
Thursday, October 18, 2012
I won't be posting a lot because of school and family problems, but i will post whenever i get the time to. Sometimes i feel like quitting my blog but i don't want to let my viewers down. Like i said, i'm sorry and i'm going to try to post as often as i can.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Artic Wolf

LiitleMighty is a tester i guess and she's testing an artic wolf! It's most likely for non-members. I feel so sorry about you non-members but there's nothing much i can do about it unless AJ headquarters let non-members have member stuff. Anyways, that's all for now! BAI!!
Sorry again about the computer difficulties. I'll try to fix it!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Random rainbow
Hey, hey, hey!!! I wanted to do a random rainbow post so here is the rainbow-ish rainbow.
Rare item
YAAAY!!!!! There's a NEW rare item! I'm so sorry that i can't take a picture because i looked for it EVERYWHERE but i couldn't find it! So, i'll just have to describe it to everyone. It's the feather headdress thing and it's blue (BLUE IS MEH FAVORITE COLOR!!!) Anyways, that's all for now!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Buddy of the month
The buddy of the month is.... Brimad8! She's funny, nice, and a great viewer to this blog. Thank you sooo much for being a great bud!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
YAY!!!! My mom said i can go on animal jam and do posts on my blog today because I did really good on my math. Anyways, have you went to the Haunted Mansion party? It's EPIC!!!! Here is a pic =D BTW click on it for it to be bigger.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
won't be on
Hey everyone my mom doesn't want me to go on animal jam for three weeks and i won't be able to blog also so this is gonna be real quick. So, bye!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
I know I just made this blog for about two weeks or so but if anyone is reading this PLEASE comment so that I know people are reading this. So yeah, whoever is reading this please comment. You can comment about anything, but make sure it's not mean or anything. If you don't have anything good to say about this blog then keep it to yourself please. Bye jammers!
Pet haunted house
Hello everyone, you probably know what it looks like but this is the pet haunted house den. I think it looks cute hehe. I was going to do a jack o lantern picture but it was gonna take too much space. Well that's all i guess. Sorry if I can't post a lot.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Jack o lanterns and pet haunted house
Hey guys, i was trying to do a clear screen shot but i can't for some reason! I'm sorry guys! Anyways, the new items are..... jack o lanterns and a pet haunted house! I like the surprised jack o lantern the best hehe! The haunted pet house is basically the minnie version of the bigger one X3
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Mix up
I was playing around with my blog and then everything changed!! ACK!!! I'm sorry everyone..... i'll change it as soon as i can!!!
Monday, October 1, 2012
This is me
Hey guys Fauna spiritflower is me =D I'm in my halloween outfit thing. So yeah, I finally got to do a clear screen shot YAAAAY!!!!!
New item and rare item
Hey guys!! There's a new awesome item today get ready every one...... A BAT MASK!!!! Yeah you might be thinking "What's so great about a bat mask?! It's just a mask!" I think bats are pretty cool and masks also!!! Oh yeah the rare item is.... A RARE PRINCESS NECKLACE!!! It's black and orange, perfect colors for halloween. So if your a girl i think you should buy it =D
Clear Screen Shot
Yeah, sorry guys if I there's no pictures here... my dad will teach me how to do one when he gets the time so yeah guys im so sorry. I'll do one as soon as i can, so hold your horses XD Play safe jammers!!!!
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